In the wake of the Trayvon Martin verdict folks are tired, angry, and upset. I am reading a lot of Facebook post's where people are stating that some kind of action is needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Most folks do not know where to start so I am here to tell you that I believe that if you hit folks where it matters ( in their pockets) EVERYONE WILL PAY ATTENTION. The problem is that people in our communities think that their money does not matter. That is not true in fact economist have said that Black people spend a billion dollars a year yes I said a BILLION$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, how is that for buying power? Don't believe me Black America's 1 billion dollar consumer buying power is a fact, why do you think you see all of these stores popping up in the hood ( Gap, Costco, H&M etc).
Another very important thing that counts is YOUR VOTE. It boils my blood to hear someone say " I'm not voting because my vote does not count" It pisses me off even more when I hear it from someone who's ancestors were not allowed to vote because they were thought of as property and not as a human being, If you do not vote for yourself please do it for our ancestor's. Just think about it if your vote didn't count President Barack Obama would not be in office today. SO stop the Bull $h!+ and use your voting rights there was a lot of blood shed so that we would have the right to vote.
There's a lot of research out there that supports the fact that the black dollar stays in the community for 6 hrs WHY? because you are spending your money with people who do not support businesses in the community where you live because they do not live where you live. Where do you think they spend there money? NOT WITH YOU.
The Chinese restaurant that you eat at , nail salon you patronize, the grocery store that used to be owned by Papi ( Who actually lived in your neighborhood) but is now owned by Habibi ( who sends his money western union to another part of the world) THEY ARE NOT SPENDING THEIR MONEY IN OUR COMMUNITIES SO WHY DO YOU STILL SHOP THERE ? +
Photo courtesy of Black In Public, Black Out Loud, and Black On Purpose! via Facebook.
Lil Kim was on to something when she stated First you get the Money, After you get the money you get the power. After the power comes the MF RESPECT!!!!!!!!!! You can start by BUYING BLACK!!!!!!!
Michael Baisden also believes that "the best way to protest is with your vote and your dollars. Boycott any companies supporting A.L.E.C. (The American Legislative Exchange Council) and The Koch Brothers"
Koch Brothers
Angel Soft
Quilted Northern
Mardi Gras
Soft and gentle
Vanity Fair
A.L.E.C American Legislative Executive Council
Are you willing to stop supporting the oppressors? Are you willing to stop falling for anything and start standing for something? If you are good for you because our future generation depends on you. A great way to start would again to stop supporting the companies mentioned above and download the app AROUND THE WAY it highlights black owned businesses in your neighborhood this is the first step to spending your money to support black owned businesses. Go ahead and download it its free and if you see a black owned business that you know of that is not on the AROUND THE WAY APP ADD it.
Please stop being tired of being tired and turn your frustration into action. Don't think for a minute that you don't matter because I am here to tell you that you do. NOW LETS STOP TALKING ABOUT IT AND BE ABOUT IT.
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